Source code for riskmatrix.coordinate

from __future__ import annotations
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Iterable, Union, Tuple
from .axis import AxisPoint

# This is a hack to make mypy happy
if False:
    from .matrix import RiskMatrix

[docs]class Coordinate: """A collection of AxisPoints to represent a location in a matrix.""" def __init__(self, points: Iterable[AxisPoint]) -> None: self.__check_requirements(points) self.matrix: RiskMatrix = set(p.axis.matrix for p in points).pop() # Order the points in the coordinate with the same order as the axes in the matrix. _points = [] for axis in self.matrix.axes: for point in points: if axis == point.axis: _points.append(point) self.points: Tuple[AxisPoint, ...] = tuple(_points) def __repr__(self): return f"Coordinate({[p.code for p in self.points]})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ The str format is also used for determining equality with coordinates in string format """ return f'{"".join(str(p.code) for p in self.points)}' def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> AxisPoint: return self.points[key] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.points) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Check if two Coordinates are pointing to the same location. Args: other (Union[Coordinate, str]): A Coordinate object or string version. Returns: bool: Return True if coordinate location is equal, return False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(other, (Coordinate, str)): return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, str): other = self.matrix.get_coordinate(other) if self.matrix.strict_coordinate_comparison: return str(self) == str(other) return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Coordinate): return NotImplemented value_self = sum(p.value for p in self.points) value_other = sum(p.value for p in other.points) # Start with a comparison of Category. This should take precedence over the location value. if self.category != other.category: return self.category.value < other.category.value # If mode is set to strict, compare Coordinates with equal value # on the exact string representation instead of value. if self.matrix.strict_coordinate_comparison and value_self == value_other: return str(self) < str(other) return value_self < value_other @property def value(self) -> int: return sum(p.value for p in self.points) @property def category(self): return self.matrix.get_category(self) def __check_requirements(self, points: Iterable[AxisPoint]): if any(p.axis is None for p in points): raise ValueError( "There is at least one point which is not tied to an axis." ) if any(p.axis.matrix is None for p in points): raise ValueError( "There is at least one point with an axis that is not tied to a matrix." ) point_pairs = (pair for pair in combinations(points, 2)) pair_sets = (set((pair[0].axis, pair[1].axis)) for pair in point_pairs) if any((len(s) == 1 for s in pair_sets)): raise ValueError( "There are two points on the same axis. Every point of a coordinate should be on a different axis." ) if len(set(p.axis.matrix for p in points)) != 1: raise ValueError( "The points in this coordinate are not all from the same matrix." )